Imam Al-Mawardi on Leadership: Insights for Modern Islamic Governance Through Fiqh Siyasah
Al-Ahkam al-Sulthaniyyah, Islamic governance, Public welfare, Islamic stateAbstract
The study aims to elucidate how Imam Al-Mawardi's insights, articulated in his seminal work “Al-Ahkam al-Sultaniyya,” can inform contemporary governance practices in Muslim societies. The novelty of this research lies in its comprehensive analysis of historical texts through the lens of modern political theory, thereby bridging the gap between classical Islamic thought and current governance challenges. The methodology involves a systematic review of Al-Mawardi's writings, focusing on his principles of ethical leadership, consultative governance (Shura), and the responsibilities of rulers. Additionally, comparative analyses of contemporary governance models in Muslim-majority countries are conducted to assess the applicability of these principles in addressing issues such as accountability, justice, and community welfare. The findings reveal that Al-Mawardi's emphasis on a balanced authority framework and ethical governance provides valuable guidance for today's Islamic leaders. His advocacy for justice and the importance of consultation resonates with modern expectations for transparent and accountable governance, highlighting the relevance of his ideas in contemporary contexts. In conclusion, revisiting Al-Mawardi's leadership principles presents a valuable opportunity to improve modern Islamic governance. By merging historical insights with contemporary practices, this study highlights how Al-Mawardi's thought can revitalize governance in the Muslim world, ensuring it remains responsive to the needs of the populace while rooted in Islamic tradition.
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