The Concept and Practice of Integrity, Honesty, and Fairness in Business: Al-Itqan, Islamic Business Value


  • Thuba Jazil Department of Islamic Business Management, Institut Agama Islam Tazkia, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia Author
  • Achmad Firdaus Postgraduate Program, Institut Agama Islam Tazkia, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia Author



al-itqan, Islamic business value, integrity, honesty, fairness


In the aftermath of World War II, business values proliferated throughout the West and Japanese cultures. Notably, the latter emphasizes collectivity, loyalty, and family-centeredness in the workplace, whereas the former tends to prioritize output. However, these cultures have failed to incorporate religious values into their philosophical foundations and practices. It is based on a fundamental set of values. In business, Islamic values are typically associated with Akhlaq, which mandates etiquette. Al-Itqan emerged as a particularly consequential business concept amid the multitude grounded in Islamic values. In this study, we aimed to ascertain the fundamental nature of the concept of al-Itqan by accessing several authoritative Islamic sources and their foremost jurists. Conversely, it determines the extent to which operational procedures in the current sector have been implemented. This study utilized a qualitative methodology to conduct a systematic literature review of journal articles published in the Scopus Index. A meticulous inference was made from twenty-nine articles. Al-Itqan is frequently defined as craftsmanship, meticulousness, perfection, expertise, professionalism, etc. Acquiring the highest quality requires utmost skill and exertion. Muslim academics have deliberated on the closed meaning of al-Itqan by using linguistics and history. This is frequently defined as a scientific and artistic arrangement of elements to achieve flawless outcomes. Itqan has four areas of Itqan in contemporary business practice: 1) entrepreneurship, leadership, and technology adoption; 2) workplace and human development; 3) accounting and auditing; and 4) marketing and insurance. Each of these areas shows that Al-Itqan encourages the success of every stakeholder.


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Advances in Business and Management. Volume 25






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